Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 4

By far, week five's (26th August) lecture had to be the best. It made up for the absence of any lectures in week 3 and the 'disorientation' of week 4. This lecture focused upon social media and Web 2.0. It went into depth about the networking involved set to an 'ego-centric network system' and the benefits it has upon the user. Essentially, people create online profiles and list interests, hobby's, beliefs, anything. An 'ego-centric' network strays away from the differing individuals and pin points those that share a relative set if common interests to yours.

Web 2.0 related to the rapid growth of the internet and the way a user can access it, socialize with it and interact with it. What dominantly stood out for me in terms of social media were the two concepts of "Attention Economy" and "Economy of Accumulation". These are exactly the theories I feel about sites such as 'Twitter' and all. Call me paranoid, I don't particularly relish upon the idea of a stockpile of information about myself for someone else to know, as well as aiming to create as little attention as possible. Last thing I want is an online stalker!

Trust me, Ive had one of those...

What was really amusing was a video shown during the lecture; a parody of 'Twitter'. Finally, someone understands my frustration! It completely supports my belief that 'Twitter' users possess a heightened ego accompanied with an optimistic outlook of every single person reading their second-by-second updates. This kind of satisfaction can result in a terrible addiction, as mentioned during the lecture. It was also to my surprise about the lack of knowledge about 'mock' websites such as 4chan! Then again, it would be best that no one even heard about it at all...

/b/ - the death of the internet!

What was even more amusing was the amount of more 'mock' content and websites that litter the internet. Websites such as '' and '' provide a comedic alternative which, I soon hope, will also provide a cult following for much amusement. The greatest aspect of social media is that it is never inextricably tied to one set of ideas, such as 'social websites to make friends'. It can vary and often ensure hilarious results. And to the people who wake up and find their account stolen or gone? It is highly dependent on the individuals mental condition, environment, real life social status... In short, an ex-'Twitter'er would possibly lose their mind and attend the next rehab class of 'Internet addicts Anonymous'.

"Hi, I'm Bill, and I had 300 followers..."

However, the big question came down to this: Are we consumers? Or are we creators?

In short, yes. We are both. We are human. We are power hungry, attention seeking and often imaginative. I'll target 'Twitter' once again. We consume the sheer satisfaction of a single comment and all the unimaginable joys of being that little bit popular. We consume the techniques others have created to mimic their popularity. We create our own destiny, our own message, to only entice others to do the same. We consume information only to benefit us; to further create and learn from we have consumed.

But often, what we create can ultimately consume ourselves.

A great set of topics to really think and reflect about. I hope to discover more of the Internets 'underground' scene and relish in the fact that, as of this day, I only access 'Facebook' once or twice a week. Life is good.

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 3

With the absence of any lectures in the third week, not much can be said apart from losing money at the Ekka races. Back on topic, the fourth week (19th August) consisted of ways of communicating with people onscreen with aid of the numerous techniques detailed in the lecture. Quite honestly, I was a little lost. It almost felt like I was in a film class. If nothing else, it was indeed informative. I suppose I can relate this to many of the videos I see on 'Youtube' coupled with amateur camera work and terrible editing. It was a great incentive to apply these notes if I plan for any future home-movies.

The lecture detailed aspects of 'screen language' such as head room, body positioning and height. The lecturer discussed the pro's and con's of certain pictures and outlined where one could improve upon that image. To be honest, I had to leave mid-lecture to go to work and cater a wedding. I could write an ENTIRE blog about that, however that wouldn't make much sense to the topic, would it? =P

Lets just say that Greek weddings... are a lot of work...

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 2

In week 2's lecture (5th August), we discussed something very close to my heart - the PC. The lecture detailed the -long- history of the computer, from an over sized calculator to the electronic powerhouse that makes you question the size of your power bill. What followed was a look at the different kinds of PC's one would could obtain. The two distinct rivals, Apple and Microsoft, were mentioned, respectively. It is truly amazing to see how far operating systems have come and the variety of software that is available. Linux was briefly mentioned; a 'free' an independent operating system that currently occupies both my ipod and ps3.

You could say I love operating systems...

What I tend to notice much more often is that 'personal computers'/laptops are almost all branded with the 'Apple' logo. Not that it's a problem or anything. I believe that is something they specialize in and do it well. It may have something to do with the sheer size of most of them; I swear they could fit in a lunch box! Not to mention it's impressive spec's and capabilities...

I've always wanted to buy a laptop with Itunes already installed! **Sarcastic snicker**

Personally, I've always stuck to the traditional Microsoft upbringing. It dons an easy interface parallel to exceptional file managing, creating and storing and features the fantastic and much loved, Microsoft Word.

The internet followed as a line of discussion. It was made distinctly clear that the internet and the 'web' were two totally different things. And to be completely honest, I had no idea. The term 'web' (referring subtly to the internet...interwebz?) is, quote "just one part of the broader internet which includes many other things as well as the Web"...

Ever seen that scene in the movie Scanners? Where that guy's head explodes? Yea. I am pretty confused.

Then again, It is natural lingo for a question to be asked, only to be answered 'just look for it on the 'web' or 'search the internet'. We all interpret whatever answer the same anyway. Aside from this, it was an intriguing look at the many intricacies of computers, software and it's proper definitions.

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 1

Week 1 of 'New Communication Technologies' brought with it a definite sense that I had finally found my perfect nichè. Computers? Internet? Multimedia? All the perfect recipe for an interesting and detailed look into how technology has evolved and where it is heading in the future. The first lecture (29th July) explained a basic overview of various 'New Media' applications and technologies. I found it quite interesting throughout the lecture to pinpoint the particular 'media' group (as I call it) one person would belong it. As far as observation goes, I would say at least half the lecture was occupied with the computer illiterate! For such an interesting range of topics, I felt a little out of place regarding most of my surrounding peer's knowledge to the internet. For some, the internet means to simply access the 'Twitter' or 'Facebook' page and begin throwing in updates such as what they found under their shoe.

Oh, here we go again with the ol' 'Twitter' rant...

Sometime during the lecture, Steve Stockwell, our speaker for the day, questioned the amount of people in the room who use a 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'Myspace' or another other related account. Funny thing was, a vast majority of people in the room who had laptops, when asked the question, failed to put their hands up and listen as they were on 'Facebook' itself!

Ok, now I'm just nitpicking...

Many, many people put their hands up. Scary thing is, I'm sure there are more of them who use it to. I was one of the proud few who kept his hand down as much as possible; my dignity has been well kept. What also struck out to me in the lecture was the topic of 'Convergence' - the ability to combine technology with other forms of media and even businesses. The whole idea does indeed sound effective and I can see much more potential for it in the near future. As we speak, many companies, educational institutes and physical workplaces have 'converged' to these new technologies. I remember an intricate programme my father showed me, released about a year ago, that allows electricians to save themselves much physical labour by simply looking at a laptop. Instead of actually investigating any potential problems in water pumps, this new programme installed on the work laptops reads each pump and will diagnose any problems - with another feature to 'remotely' send the pumps specific commands. Trippy stuff.

Anyhow, the lecture delivered some great points and definitely got me thinking. The real, true and horrifying question was: Whats next after 'Twitter'?
**Grabs shotgun**
I'll be ready for 'em!

Part 5 - The pixelated, the text, and the ugly

As an avid PC user, I have had many online experiences both within the gaming world and through simple boxes of written text. I created an MSN messenger account back in 2004. At the time, It was the ultimate way to socialize; the internet was pure of the 'facebook' and 'twitter' plague that was soon enough going to engulf ego's worldwide. Anyhow, it was a simple, effective and efficient method to deliver any kind of information over the internet to your friends without the use of e-mail. You could send pictures, videos, sounds, anything. You had a brief profile about yourself, apart from that, that was all anyone ever knew about you.

For online games such as my recently played, "Active Worlds", the differences in socializing vary completely. Games such as this allows the player to develop [an often] fully customizable character that closely mirrors the appearance of your real self. Where programmes such as MSN only delivered a small profile, 3D worlds allow you to elaborate upon your persona and give off a unique appearance for other players to see. This can range from clothing to behaviour in-game. How you act in-game can create many outcomes in terms of your social status. Most of the time, you will get away with it. MSN would be more restricted to this idea, as the way you act online would attract the attention of all your friends.

Another key aspect I found within "Active Worlds" was the amount of interactivity. Programmes like MSN is fairly restricted in terms of interraction and focuses solely upon communicating via written text. For 3D worlds, written text is implemented along with a variety of other functions, such as 'emotes'. This allows the player's character to perform physical actions in-game for amusement or to reinforce a reaction. A simple 'wave' in-game is the best way to overcome any awkward introductions, as opposed to the more 'confrontational' method of writing direct messages to them across MSN. Most importantly, 3D worlds are fun.
MSN allows you to play simple flash games such as 'checkers' or 'minesweeper'. A player in a 3D world is playing a game, something that is intentionally designed to be fun.

There are many ways to think where internet socialising can lead us. Programmes such as MSN have recently recognized the growing trend in applications such as "Active Worlds" and frequently provide updates. These range from designing your own background to allowing you to write 'personal messages', twitter style. Overall, IM programmes are good at one thing and do it well; communicating. As for 3D worlds, I can only imagine that the amount of interactivity, and more importantly, gameplay, is further recognized for the player to both have fun and socialise.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Part 4 - 'Scavenger Hunt' answers

All questions were answered with the aid of's search engine. Hilarity ensured.

1. Bicycle helmet while finding his schnitzel (no joke!)
2. September 2nd, 1969 at the UCLA
3. Bill Gates was born on 28th October, 1955, sold most his Microsoft software in 1994 (39 years old)
4. Tim Berners-Lee invents the WWW at MIT in the USA. And Al Gore too, according to dogpile...
5. This one came up with only ads - it's ridiculous! "Buy ATI today, and experience the sensation!" and "Nvidia! Visualize yourself!". Somehow I now have this urge to go and buy a new graphics card...
6. Largest parsnip being 8 pounds, 6 ounces, found out after cycling through many pages dedicated to Star Trek. javascript:void(0)
7. Sometime in 1901, during the referendum after the federation...? And the Tweed River is in New South Wales is becuase it refers to a place in Scotland...and was founded by a Scotsman. Most likely not true.
8. Came up with a list of Australia's famous Air Disasters. I laughed.
9. Byron is still remembered for his love of Duff (...the beer?)
10. Band name was the Black Assassins. Name was Steven Stockwell

Friday, August 21, 2009

Part 3 - New Communication Technology and the Gaming World

Every year, professional gamers known as 'cyber atheletes' gather to one location to challenge other teams in a specific game. In some countries, such as North Korea, being a professional gamer isn't just a hobby - it's a full time commitment. How experienced a player is at a game determines whether or not they take away the prize. This is often a large sum of money or even a brand new PC, usually worth over $5, 000. New communication technologies such as gaming has allowed for a diversity of talent to be introduced to the world and is a growing competitive hobby. With a specific game appealing a vast interest to many people, these competitions can usually draw hundreds upon thousands of people to watch - either at location or on their computers. In this video, the incredibly popular game, 'Counter Strike', is being played with two 'clans' (teams). Competitive gaming is growing more and more popular every year; the games spanning diverse genres and attracting thousands, even millions, of spectators depending on the game. 'Counter Strike' is an intense, reflex focused FPS game in which the slightest false movement results in death. A professional 'Counter Strike' player in the gaming world carries with him/her a greatly respectable identity. It redefines many aspects of new communication technology and the way players interact with not only their friends and ally's, but with the rest of the world.

Part 2 - Technology and Me

Ahh, Technology and me. It's almost like a dog to a bone. A very big one at that. As I outlined in my first blog, computers and I have gone way back. I am proud to say that technology plays an integral role in my life. I couldn't imagine myself today without any access to any kind of technology. I can only guess as to how much more different my life would would really be.

Maybe in some parrellel universe. And where I am the captain of everything and have 100 girl friends.

So, me and communication technologies. As I greatly elaborated (and worshipped) in my first, very relevant post, I currently have had access to the most simplest source of computing to the most powerful, frame-rate crunching rig for about 14 years. I remember typing specific commands into DOS that I would quickly memorize to access my favourite programmes. Whether they be games, basic encyclopedias and even an extremely primitive version of 'MS Paint'. As the years progressed, so did obviously the power, capacity and appeal of computers. Back in the early 90's, a computer was used mostly for work purposes and rarely for leisure. I managed to break that trend quite a few times; I was pretty much the first child in my whole neighbourhood to have a copy of 'Doom' AND 'Wolf 3D', two of the first and best FPS (First Person Shooter) games of all time. It wasn't until the late 90's where I realized the great potential of communication technologies.

Fast Forward to 1997. Currently at school, every child was designated a 'penpal' either from another school or in another class if things got desperate. My penpal and I both had access to a very primitive, and slow, source of something at the time was extraordinary. The Internet. The 'dial-up' noise of numerous squeaks, buzzes and pitches still arouse my senses and delivers a fantastic sensation of nostalgia. I would often laugh at the paranoia of some people, including my parents, as they were brainwashed with propaganda from news headlines that would frequently relate the internet to something of a virus crawling, predator lurking, computer deathtrap. Ultimately, this was my first time I have had access to any form communication technology. As the months and years progressed, soon everybody you knew had upgraded communicating through to e-mail as opposed to to writing letters. It was fantastic in every way. It was simple, efficient and great fun to do. I remember after purchasing another computer in late 1999, I would send off random e-mails to my Dad just for fun.

Another innovative and unique way of communicating with people eventually came in the form of entertainment. In late 1999/early 2000, my love for gaming had taken a giant leap. I would often play 'online' with people from across the globe in a game called 'Counter Strike'. Essentially, the game involves two teams: Terrorists and Counter Terrorists and required the player to choose a side and undertake key objectives. You can be planting bombs, rescuing hostages (depending on which side you choose) or eliminating every single member of the opposite team. It was an absolute blast to play and further made my love for FPS's even stronger.

And now, we move into the darkest era of all....

Yea, call me what you want, I never really got into the whole 'Myspace', 'Bebo', 'Twitter' or any other ridiculous sounding communication technology. I swear the names of these things are getting pretty outrageous. Anyway I won't turn this into a rant or flame war. Quite simply, these sources of person-to-person contact, I believe, are the death of new commuication as we know it. Let me elaborate upon that. Since when did commuicating with friends require an avatar which is usually shot within a dark room with your mum's camera, usually posing? Or require a snazzy background, usually with some popular rapper, singer or sports car? Or even be judged upon how many friends you have, whether you know them or not?

In the year 2007, 'Myspace' was the new black. Everyone you knew, anyone you talked to, had a Myspace account. I must admit, I felt a little out of place for a while. I created one sometime in early 2007 and added a select few of my friends. I made a short profile description about myself and that was about it. Some time later I reviewed movies for enjoyment and posted it on my profile blog. Myspace allowed for much more creativity from it's 'Bebo' counterparts in terms of adding many little gimmicks to your profile page from music, to videos to custom backgrounds. You could also change the colour of your font and write anything you wanted for the world to see. If someone liked what they saw, they would 'add' you to their friends list. I...just...didn't see the appeal of it all. If you wanted to talk to someone, why not use e-mail? Or even call them? Everyone txt's, right? What's wrong with that?

Oh, I know why.

This form of new communication allowed the user to attract the attention they craved so much. I would often come across the profile pages of friends of mine to discover a rebellious side to them I would of never figured. Black backgrounds draped with a depressing layout of melancholy lettering and images; large text usually printed across the header of the page reading 'Screw the corporate world!' or 'Fight the System!', except the wording more...say... colourful. It was a place to deliver controversial ideas and opinions upon the world, society, or anything. Ultimately, Myspace was a place of extremes. Females would hog their pages with sexy shots of themselves, men would detail their page with an immense amount of photos of them flexing their biceps in the mirror, and the rest would post a message or blog every 30mins about pointless, trivial mumbo-jumbo in the hope of someone reading it.

This wasn't communicating. This was egotism at it's very peak.

Personally, privacy isn't an issue. New communications such as Myspace and Facebook, I believe, create an opportunity for people to express who they really are and want to desperately get their opinions across to as many people as possible. Companies such as Facebook and Google who collect information about their users, I still believe, gives them an outlook as to how the 'Myspace' mind thinks. I am some of the many people, I'm sure, who made a profile page 'because a friend told me to'; who visits his page every second week or so to see a photo that was 'tagged' of him. In most cases, privacy can be achieved by setting a 'private' lock on most Myspace and Facebook pages, disallowing anyone attempting to access that page.

Of course with a Myspace or Facebook profile, you are guaranteed to accept the friend requests of many strangers. It's only natural to some to find the profile of somebody else relative or appealing and to add them as a friend. From my experiences, most people add 'randoms' as a means to boost their friends numbers. I don't really do such a thing. Basically, the more friends you have, the more positive message you emit to somebody else as yourself being far more popular. Over the years I have had many 'random' add's from people I have no knowlegde of. I would, say, over 50 people or so? Some people are from the other side of the country, others are from the other side of the world. Some are bands wanting to promote their sound, others are religious groups with pages dedicated to God. I tend to simply accept these requests to be a friend to satisfy any interest they had for me, and then move on. In terms of the difference with these people you don't know and the ones you do - it's very simple. The difference for me is that the people I do know, I keep in contact with and talk to frequently. The people I don't know, I basically respect their interest to add me and maintain my status as a 'friend' of theirs to purpose whatever intentions they have for my addition. If they talk to me, I will talk back, of course. Then again, you never know who is on the other end!

To this day, I use MSN as a source of communication technology. It's a fantastic programme in which you also 'add' a select few of people using e-mail addresses and talk to them. Just like Myspace and all those, you will get 'random adds'. I also continue to play online in a variety of games, such as 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Duty 4', 'FarCry' and many, many, many others. I will continue using a variety of new communication technologies for many years to come, and look forward to any new innovations that come it's way.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First blog... Awesome?

Well... this is my first proper blog. I used to create blogs on Myspace and do movie reviews. I reviewed only a few, but they weren't meant to be taken seriously.

Now...where to start...

Yea, I guess I'm like every other 18 year old male. I work, I go out, I play games, I drive a car that cost me an arm and a leg... Japanese cars are expensive. Pity they have such a bad name. My real passion however lies with my love of movies and gaming. I have had quite an extensive history of gaming. It goes WAYY back...

The year was 1995, i was only 4, and I was introduced to my first PC. Well, it wasn't mine; it was my dad's. Underneath it's boxy and ancient exterior lied sheer magic and brilliance. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the videogame, Doom. Graduating from Wolfenstein 3D a few weeks before discovering Doom, it was a massive leap in terms of game play and realism. But to me, it wasn't a videogame. It was like something I had never ever experienced before. It was like the 'cool older brother' you told everyone about. You would invite people over to show it off. It made your parents sick to play it, and you feel proud that you can handle such glorious gore. You would wake up early in the morning just to sneak a few kills in before preschool.

Yea, before preschool.

Anyway this is suppose to be a blog about me, and not a massive homage to Doom. In a nutshell, PC gaming is more than a hobby to me. It's a way of life. I endeavor to share more of my experiences in further blogs.

Bye for now.