Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 8

Week 9 saw the ideas of 'CyberUtopia'. It is essentially a 'non-existent' form of the internet, allowing heaps of data to be sent to someone else rather quickly... that doesn't exist. What the dickens? It's like something out of 'The Matrix'. Maybe I just haven't grasped it properly... I'm not entirely sure. Several ideas such as forums and chat rooms were mentioned, with the ideas to freely distribute information across the internet (without paying for it) and promote free online services and such.

What I did have to laugh about was the mention of the dot com 'boom and bust' phase that ran from 1998 - 2001. I just like to reminisce upon the sheer amount of hysteria that engulfed the closing years of 1998 and 1999 with the whole 'Y2K' thing. I suppose I was too young to really care, though it is kind of hilarious once you think about it - the 'Y2K Switchover' that many businesses prepared on their computers with the cost of millions. That was about it really... I can't really remember what else that really caught my eye (no lecture notes on the databases...sneaky!). Now I just need to research a topic for my assignment.

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 7

Week 8 saw the discussion of politics and eDemocracy. At first glance, it seems like an incredibly boring and bland topic. I know for sure that the sheer word 'politics' incites universal hatred. However, the Internet does provide as a unique tool as to promoting particular political agendas. Just makes me wonder... I wonder if Obama has a blog? SUBSCRIBE!

What seemed like most pointless 'blah' to me (excuse my anti-political ignorance), my ears caught the sound of the word 'cyberpunk'. I was keen to follow on. As an avid science fiction fanatic, it was an interesting concept linking 'cybernetics' and politics together... It was like putting a bear and a lion in the same room - unexpected outcomes ensured.

I can sort of see why I suppose. I think it's all coming back to the whole, 'corporate world = evil' thing when you honestly look into it. It tries to detail a strict variety of corporations attempting to capitalize upon it's technologies by employing it in humans... thus we become walking billboards as such. Well... that's just the way I look at it! I would also like to make note about the 'Matrix' being mentioned. A great example, too.

Now, if only they would make a [better] sequel to Revolutions, I will be happy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Part 8 - Politics? Blehh...

Well, definitely the most monotonous of tasks...but oh well, every cloud has a silver lining I suppose! I spiced it up a bit with the help of a long lost, fake name...

Signed an e-petition against the '20% rego increase' for motor vehicles. Signed petition as 'Max Power'. I lol'd.

Responded to a professional news blogger talking about Barack Obama. Name again was 'Max Power', located in 'Awesomeville'. I lol'd again. Comment was a simple, 'I agree!'.

According to this, Barack Obama seems pretty busy with many, many diplomatic issues that need to be solved this week. He might need the help of 'Max Power'.

4. John Campbell (local), Julie Attwood (state), Arch Bevis (federal) and Max Power.

5. Couldn't quite find one for John Campbell. I found one for Max Power, though.

6. ^ See above answer

7. I read the lecture readings and found it quite interesting about how many people 'fight the system' as such and seem to regard democracy to something of...communism, I suppose. It really shows that in a free country, no one is really ever satisfied. Maybe its the fact that so much is available to us, we become greedy and want more, or want it better. I particularly liked the segment on hacking... not only a week ago, the Australian Gov't's website was hacked by the infamous 'Anonymous', often trolling around [insert Max Power reference here]


Adam asks a good question: What do I think of the 'Clean-Feed?'
Rant initializing in

About a year ago, I discovered that the Australian Gov't had plans to censor particular aspects of the Internet. I was outraged; its not like we have it bad enough with the lack of an R rating for videogames (Left 4 Dead 2 is banned from Australia as of last week...WHY??!!!!!).

I decided to let everyone know and sign an online petition that was going around at the time to reject this stupid idea. I did this on Myspace, and to my suprise, so many did NOT believe me. I was met with 'yea, right, not gonna happen' and many cried foul...

I don't belive its even remotely necessary for an Internet 'filter'. You see, it's politicians born like 2 generations ago that have no idea about the internet, let alone have the knowledge of how to operate a mouse and a keyboard. They recognize the internet as a child corrupting, taboo wielding, tool of the devil. I don't think they appreciate the true nature of the internet and reality; that you cannot change it along with the opinions of people. I believe that we have grown smarter through the knowledge obtained through the Internet. If they picture Australia as a child-friendly, circle skipping place, then they are awfully wrong. The internet is there as a tool of accessing anything. With people suppressed of certain content that the internet delivers, I believe that occurrences in crime will skyrocket to get 'their fix'.It has already met with outrage amongst many of the gaming committees and online forums. To be honest, I will be really surprised if they follow through with this. If they do, then its off to New Zealand for me!
...under the alias of Max Power.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 6

This week was all about free software and proprietary software (Microsfot, Apple). Creative Commons, responsible of creating and allowing 'free copyright' to construct most free software that is evident today. I found this lecture to be pretty relevant to my previous tutorial tasks, consisting of creating videos and slideshows with entirely our own non-copyright material.

It was an interesting connection that free software source code can be linked to as a recipe for creating your favourite food. Much like any recipe, there is much preparing and work to be done for it to be complete and, well... 'taste' great I suppose. Yea, not a good choice of words!

When you really think about it, should we be paying for operating systems? Many people, such as the man who created GNU (whose name has passed me for now) made a good point in a quote I remember, something like 'making operating systems like the old days when they were free'. Maybe people like Bill Gates saw just the right opportunity to capitalize upon the idea of selling his OS to people just when the public knew not much about it. Then again, there is a definite difference between proprietary software and the free kind; mostly experience and budget related. I guess you get what you pay for... I have been a keen Windows user for years now, way back when into the Windows '95 era with the DOS commands. I did install a special Linux onto my Ipod back in 2007 however, solely to play retro games like 'Doom' with no PC access. So I guess I could say I respect both forms of this software. I believe they all play a unique role in particular devices and technologies in some way or another.

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 5

Week 6 had a great lecture with some interesting approaches to some popular movies. What I would like to make note of is the trailer remakes for the popular films, 'The Shining' and 'Mary Poppins'. Jack Nicholson's dark, seedy role was transformed into a satirical alternative that saw the numerous 'hijinks' and PG rated fun in the famous hotel (motel? I can't remember), and Mary Poppins was turned into some evil witch that prayed on innocent children. No real difference there. Zing!

I thought it was interesting when discussing how consumers can also become producers. Then again, I believe that is how at least 90% of entertainment is distributed and thought of. The connection was made in the lecture between 'Star Wars' and the numerous fan-films that have spawned under it's famous name. Somebody produces a film - somebody consumes the film's ideas - those consumers become producers and distribute their own spin on it. Once again, that can be said for a lot of films. Take for example all of these 'dance' movies - how many of them are there? Yea, wayyyy too many. Directors watch a particular dance film and believes they can do an as good, if not better, movie.

Big screen vs small 'screens of life' was also mentioned. It basically detailed the difference between cinema and 'personal media' such as iphones, ipods, etc, and how consuming 'personal media' is quickly growing.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Part 7 - The Fast and the 'Not-so-Insurance-covered'

By golly. This weeks tutorial task had to be the most fun to make. Essentially, our task required us to create a video that continued on from out previous one. I decided to go one step ahead with my 'car' theme.

What we have here is in-game footage from 'Burnout Paradise'. It is a racing game with some of the best, I repeat, the BEST crash physics ever created in a racing game! All footage was captured by me with the help of FRAPS. I themed the video with 'How not to drive a car' to try and ensure some hilarity. It was a great excuse to play this great game and use it for this weeks task.

Also, the footage may look a little choppy. It's because I had to ramp down the screen resolution quite a bit for FRAPS to render a smooth video. I still think it turned out fine though.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Part 6 - The Fast and the Not So Furious

This week's tutorial task asked us to create a video telling some kind of a story. Well, here's mine.

Yea, I know, It's my car. And yes, it's a Nissan Skyline. And yes, I am aware every driver hates me.

Let me clear something up first; I am not a hoon! Partly due to the fact that I chose an auto this time over a manual.

I purchased this beast a bit over 4 months ago, and have been loving it ever since. I have put a lot of time and effort into it and, like any hobby, find it incredibly enjoyable...yet expensive. As it is a Japanese import, much of the parts are fairly hard to find and are very expensive. It was a good upgrade from my 4AGE Corolla Seca sx manual. With the amount of city driving I do, I decided to buy an automatic this time. Its a decent daily driver that really enjoys chewing through the fuel.

Engine: RB25DET (non-turbo though)
4 Speed Automatic (Would like to buy a shift kit sometime later)

Latest Purchases and activity:
- New strut bar
- Blitz POD filter
- Full Kakimoto exhaust system with 3" cannon
- New tyres
- Tein suspension
- Recently had sway bar re-tightened as it was knocked out of place

**Apologies for the picture quality. I had to use my phone's camera as all the camera's in my house have just mysteriously disappeared.