Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 8

Week 9 saw the ideas of 'CyberUtopia'. It is essentially a 'non-existent' form of the internet, allowing heaps of data to be sent to someone else rather quickly... that doesn't exist. What the dickens? It's like something out of 'The Matrix'. Maybe I just haven't grasped it properly... I'm not entirely sure. Several ideas such as forums and chat rooms were mentioned, with the ideas to freely distribute information across the internet (without paying for it) and promote free online services and such.

What I did have to laugh about was the mention of the dot com 'boom and bust' phase that ran from 1998 - 2001. I just like to reminisce upon the sheer amount of hysteria that engulfed the closing years of 1998 and 1999 with the whole 'Y2K' thing. I suppose I was too young to really care, though it is kind of hilarious once you think about it - the 'Y2K Switchover' that many businesses prepared on their computers with the cost of millions. That was about it really... I can't really remember what else that really caught my eye (no lecture notes on the databases...sneaky!). Now I just need to research a topic for my assignment.

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