Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nostalgia and New 'Comm - Lecture Overviews Part 7

Week 8 saw the discussion of politics and eDemocracy. At first glance, it seems like an incredibly boring and bland topic. I know for sure that the sheer word 'politics' incites universal hatred. However, the Internet does provide as a unique tool as to promoting particular political agendas. Just makes me wonder... I wonder if Obama has a blog? SUBSCRIBE!

What seemed like most pointless 'blah' to me (excuse my anti-political ignorance), my ears caught the sound of the word 'cyberpunk'. I was keen to follow on. As an avid science fiction fanatic, it was an interesting concept linking 'cybernetics' and politics together... It was like putting a bear and a lion in the same room - unexpected outcomes ensured.

I can sort of see why I suppose. I think it's all coming back to the whole, 'corporate world = evil' thing when you honestly look into it. It tries to detail a strict variety of corporations attempting to capitalize upon it's technologies by employing it in humans... thus we become walking billboards as such. Well... that's just the way I look at it! I would also like to make note about the 'Matrix' being mentioned. A great example, too.

Now, if only they would make a [better] sequel to Revolutions, I will be happy!

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