Saturday, September 12, 2009

Part 7 - The Fast and the 'Not-so-Insurance-covered'

By golly. This weeks tutorial task had to be the most fun to make. Essentially, our task required us to create a video that continued on from out previous one. I decided to go one step ahead with my 'car' theme.

What we have here is in-game footage from 'Burnout Paradise'. It is a racing game with some of the best, I repeat, the BEST crash physics ever created in a racing game! All footage was captured by me with the help of FRAPS. I themed the video with 'How not to drive a car' to try and ensure some hilarity. It was a great excuse to play this great game and use it for this weeks task.

Also, the footage may look a little choppy. It's because I had to ramp down the screen resolution quite a bit for FRAPS to render a smooth video. I still think it turned out fine though.

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