Saturday, September 19, 2009

Part 8 - Politics? Blehh...

Well, definitely the most monotonous of tasks...but oh well, every cloud has a silver lining I suppose! I spiced it up a bit with the help of a long lost, fake name...

Signed an e-petition against the '20% rego increase' for motor vehicles. Signed petition as 'Max Power'. I lol'd.

Responded to a professional news blogger talking about Barack Obama. Name again was 'Max Power', located in 'Awesomeville'. I lol'd again. Comment was a simple, 'I agree!'.

According to this, Barack Obama seems pretty busy with many, many diplomatic issues that need to be solved this week. He might need the help of 'Max Power'.

4. John Campbell (local), Julie Attwood (state), Arch Bevis (federal) and Max Power.

5. Couldn't quite find one for John Campbell. I found one for Max Power, though.

6. ^ See above answer

7. I read the lecture readings and found it quite interesting about how many people 'fight the system' as such and seem to regard democracy to something of...communism, I suppose. It really shows that in a free country, no one is really ever satisfied. Maybe its the fact that so much is available to us, we become greedy and want more, or want it better. I particularly liked the segment on hacking... not only a week ago, the Australian Gov't's website was hacked by the infamous 'Anonymous', often trolling around [insert Max Power reference here]


Adam asks a good question: What do I think of the 'Clean-Feed?'
Rant initializing in

About a year ago, I discovered that the Australian Gov't had plans to censor particular aspects of the Internet. I was outraged; its not like we have it bad enough with the lack of an R rating for videogames (Left 4 Dead 2 is banned from Australia as of last week...WHY??!!!!!).

I decided to let everyone know and sign an online petition that was going around at the time to reject this stupid idea. I did this on Myspace, and to my suprise, so many did NOT believe me. I was met with 'yea, right, not gonna happen' and many cried foul...

I don't belive its even remotely necessary for an Internet 'filter'. You see, it's politicians born like 2 generations ago that have no idea about the internet, let alone have the knowledge of how to operate a mouse and a keyboard. They recognize the internet as a child corrupting, taboo wielding, tool of the devil. I don't think they appreciate the true nature of the internet and reality; that you cannot change it along with the opinions of people. I believe that we have grown smarter through the knowledge obtained through the Internet. If they picture Australia as a child-friendly, circle skipping place, then they are awfully wrong. The internet is there as a tool of accessing anything. With people suppressed of certain content that the internet delivers, I believe that occurrences in crime will skyrocket to get 'their fix'.It has already met with outrage amongst many of the gaming committees and online forums. To be honest, I will be really surprised if they follow through with this. If they do, then its off to New Zealand for me!
...under the alias of Max Power.

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